Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Getting To Know Me

Hi Everyone,

     Let me start of by introducing myself.  My name is Cindi Lizze. I'm a first time mom to an 18 month old baby girl, Bella Lizbeth, who is the center of all my time and attention.  I consider myself to be the luckiest women to have such a wonderful family.  I'm a fun, loving, and creative person, who wishes nothing more but the best for my family and friends.  I am also currently finishing my  BA degree and working part-time for a marketing firm.

     Now being a first time mom, I have to admit I went through a bit of a readjustment period in learning how to manage my time between my daughter, my  husband, work, school and myself.  Yikes! I sure had my hands full. I would constantly ask my self "How do women with two or more kids do it??" I do not know,  But I have come to realize that's why we call them "Super Moms".  It was very hard to learn how to dedicate a little bit of time to myself, which is why I am constantly searching for health and beauty tips that will make my life easier while at the same time allowing me to look and feel my best. That way I have the time and the energy to fucus on my family. 

     I wanted to be able to share what I have learned with all of you, which is why I created this blog.  In this blog I will be focusing on sharing Health and Beauty tips that will allow all women to look and feel beautifull about themselves, regardless if you have a hectic schedule like me or just want to improve yourself. The majority of the Health and Beauty tips I search for are geared to save time and money, so if you're short on time and/or money the tips I will be sharing with you will most certainly come in handy. 

I leave you with one quote I try to live by: " If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of you loved ones?"  Remember that you are every bit as important (if not more than) everyone and everything around you. 

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and continue to do so for a long time to come. Don't forget to check out my next Health and Beauty Tips Made easy posting coming up soon!

Cindi Lizze

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